Friday, November 22, 2019

documentary themes and examples

theme 1

A documentary that has a topic which is personal to the people involved, usually the presenter and interviewees.

theme 2

the documentary is about the filmmaker’s perspective on the world.( voice of god)

theme 3

Observational documentary is probably the most analyzed mode of all the types of documentaries.

theme 4

A participatory documentary is an inclusive and collaborative process that engages communities in designing and carrying out the collection and dissemination of their own story.

theme 5

presenter to help the audience understand

theme 6

The performative documentary evokes the mood or atmosphere traditionally found in fiction films.

Friday, November 8, 2019

interview techniques


ND filter-neutral density
letting less light in.

ch 1 ch2
int - ch 1
-one legged-

set tc- time code

1 frame = 2 fields
1920x1080 pixels
25fps 50 fields a second
progressive interlaced 2x fields same time
1080p 50 hz
were you involved in Storm Doris?
what, now, why, who, when, where.

when interviewing
don't look at the camera.
say hello to each other.
ask if the camera is rolling wait for the reply "speed"
tell me your name and spell it.
whats your job title
answer put with the question.
repeat first question
power of silence.

Friday, November 1, 2019

story boards

for this shot I will do a wide shot but to change it up I could tack it to me or I may zoom in to a medium shot. this is because it interacts with the background more.  

 this contrasts between all three different shots and changes up between them like tracking or switching between shots like mid to close up or wide to close up.
some of these shots will be used in my documentary  like the wide tracking shot, this is because it changes up the background and how it is and how it performs
I will use close ups to build dramatic tension between the character and the viewer I could use a mid shot for things like maybe shooting videos over somebodies shoulder to create the effect of speaking to one and other.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

press release youtube documentary

press release

press release form: Ainslie Andrews

contact: tony parr                                                     date:31/10/2019

Phone: 01553 761144

storm dorris

storm dorris has effected a huge part of england and wales and its strength frightened us haunted us day in day out for a few day storm dorris with scrambled all through England and wales and not only injured but kill people.

as it hunted down its targets storm dorris put anything down in its way from lorries to double decker buses to trees and even roofing on some buildings. this created chaos throughout the country from blocking roads to killing people to even making people homeless. jobs where lost vehicles damaged and businesses destroyed. at one point during the storm all buses from my local village where called in, the wind was to strong.they had already had one incident with a double decker bus now all bus companies had to be cautious. this endangered the lives of passengers and the driver

mean while in whales the wind was so strong it hand caused debris to fly around and hit a young woman damaging her head and later on killing her.roads blocked and a Ferrari sunk. however that Ferrari wasn't driven into the water. it was pushed by the brute force of the wind.

storm dorris was caused by a wether bomb. this is when a gush of wind is formed unda a Jetstream and causes the wind to rapidly increase in speed while the air pressure decreases causing giant gusts of winds meaning the wind has increased in speed and causes more problems.

in conclusion I would suggest to stay in during a storm such as storm doris for your own protection and the others around you .

youtube documentary

storm dorris

my idea is to do a documentary on storm Doris and what the effects of the storm was in and around my village.
 the effects where catastrophic

research. I used this website show find out what incidents had actually happened
this shows all of the after maths of storm Dorris and how they effected us
shows some people that were killed in storm Dorris

headline: storm dorris
sub header:
purpose of the story.
this personally effected me due to almost being involved in a car crash due to the strong winds

Friday, September 20, 2019


-sd card-'private'folder-avchd-.mts
click top file hold shift click bottom file
scene 1
learnt how to create bins

changing the colour of bins

quick time

here I learnt how to screen record.

edit technique

editing shortcuts
use space bar to pause and un-pause the video.
double click a clip
play video press 'I'-in then when ready press 'o'-out, this selects the part of the video you want

here I edited a video that I found on youtube.