Thursday, January 16, 2020

gta 5 research

magazines & books
now with magazines there wasn't many out there that actually contained any information about GTA or and statistics so this has kind of told me that GTA is a very modern game that most people either know about already or don't want to know about it. such as the people that may think it is a very violent game and not good for the human eyes but in that case that is why the creators of GTA, Rockstar games, has decided to make this game a 18+

Grand Theft Auto V is a 2013 action-adventure game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It is the first main entry in the Grand Theft Auto series since 2008's Grand Theft Auto IV. Set within the fictional state of San Andreas, based on Southern California, the single-player story follows three criminals and their efforts to commit heists while under pressure from a government agency and powerful crime figures. The open world design lets players freely roam San Andreas' open countryside and the fictional city of Los Santos, based on Los Angeles
and while your playing GTA story mode you can always head over to GTA online if your ever bored on story mode because GTA online may also feature the same as story mode but its better because your eligible to play with friends and show everyone that your "CEO" is the best there is  
Grand Theft Auto Online is an online multiplayer action-adventure video game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It was released on 1 October 2013 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and was released on 18 November 2014 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, with a Microsoft Windows version on 14 April 2015. The game is the online multiplayer mode of Grand Theft Auto V. Set within the fictional state of San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto Online allows up to 30 players to explore the open world and engage in cooperative or competitive game matches. 

Group discussion/USP
 one USP for GTA is that you are able to access many different things like they are constantly rewarding people in game for logging onto the game. this may not happen often to the same people but its still a unique selling point as it encourages the players to keep playing hoping they will get more prizes.
another USP for GTA is that you can switch between 3 different protagonists and a fourth if you load up on to online to play with your friends.

Friday, January 10, 2020

foxy session-advertorial and a viral video

Its one shot but within it there are several different angled shots.
there are shots just like a:
shot 1, tilt wide with subject in the middle, panning down onto the dog buildings on either side
shot 2, wide to centered mid with subject in the middle
shot 3, wide shot
shot 4, wide more establishing characters
shot 5, wide voice over and dog pushes skate board again.
shot 6,  mid shot of the dog with the buildings in the background
in the background the music plays, its very calm and theres many other sounds such as a bird flapping and a skateboard rolling, there was other noises such as the hose pipe spraying water and the trolly rolling in the background

shot 1 is the sky wide shot
shot 2 is a wide shot of the dog in-between the two buildings riding his skate board
shot 3 is the dog riding past the 2 people laying on the car chilling 
shot 4 is the car riding past the car being cleaned. 
shot 5 is the dog riding past the rabbit and the chicken 
shot 6 is the dog rolling towards the camera with the final sunset.
the product being advertised was GTA
my advertorial Idea is GTA. 
I believe the reason why this will sell is because I will display it very different to other games and other forms of entertainment.  

Thursday, January 9, 2020

my ideas for advertising

 advertorial will be based around the creation of my idea. This will include such things as the background of it(when it first officially started and what made it popular.) it may also say such things like how it was turned from GTA 1 to GTA 5 and how its changed over time, such as things like adding a bigger story line to the game
I will also compare it to other modern day video games such as Minecraft and call of duty and many others.
A advertorial is a newspaper or magazine advertisement giving information about a product in the style of an editorial or objective journalistic article.

My Idea
this is the layout to my advertorial. I will have my title in the middle of the pages with border pictures and side text with a back round bleed picture video Idea will feature such things as gameplay and voice overs, and many more things such as maybe quotes from different people saying there opinions on the game. I will use the inspiration from other adverts such as famous youtuber KSI that advertised about a invisible football. although this is supposed to be a laugh I believe this video gives a good view to it from a advertisement perspective.

+hey Ainslie wanna come play with us
-nah sorry im playing my game.
-well actually could you guys help me with a mission im stuck on
+okay well wait up as we are new to this game 
+right so how do we play this then?
-well you need to use a controller for a start and just sorta move like normal and spam A to run and X to jump its quite simple.
+there definitely some different controls
-yeah I know but there easy and simple like its better for your hand.
+yes that's true. 
- plus the offline mode offers 3 different story lines that all link together and they all have a separate life story. and another good thing is the people who run this game give out free money every now n then and its not a little sometimes you can get lots like I have.
+anyway lets do this lets grind out the game.
-yea okay
+jeez guys we've been on here all day  
-well did you like it?
+yes it was such  a good game the graphics the creativity and the fact that you can do everything on storymode with your friends online makes it even better.
-told you it was good
+okay I got to hand it to you, you do have a good taste. anyways ive gotta go guys so see you toomorow and we will play more and get even better and more money.
-yes deffinately. see yous tomorrow. radio advert will be based on being in GTA so I will use the GTA gameplay of one of there radios and I will cut it up to place my own advert within the radio station to create this advert. this will be very similar to the video advert but I will change it up as it is just voice for a radio advert so I will have to make it seem more encouraging without a video maybe using fake discounts or maybe just saying how good of a game it is.

4.My information website will be like a guide for new people, this will be because there are many new people joining everyday and I believe that just like me, some people want to find such things like the best cars for your money or the best guns and upgrades or maybe just simple things just like how to each easy money.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Report bbc project.

The BBC Project!

my idea 

for my bbc project I decided to base it on and around Liverpool fc. this is because I support the football club and I believe there is a lot of history behind it. including things like the culture and the way that the people are. when it came to Liverpool we were different and that's what I wanted to show to my audience(football fans and even just people in general).

 target audience

my project is directed to anyone that is interested( most people will most likely be from around 13 onwards to about 20 to their 30's) in the history of football or just football in general.
this is because it shows intimidation to any rival teams that watch this. its also for anyone that does things like maybe history lessons as it may also show some of the history of there own home and how it was back then.


3 BBC stories I looked at
this was just a general layout for my bbc project. it is used later on for my bbc page I have created(scroll down)
this website and the next linked website were both used for my research because it showed me types of things to write about and what links to put and what thumbnails 

5 channels of research:
I used this to gather intel for what history Liverpool has
this was used to seach for the smaller details of the disaster
I used this to find the main key points such as the date, amount of deaths and the injury count.

these pieces of research are there because they all gave me different views and bits of data about the Hillsborough disaster. this is good as it means I can get many different views and see many different points of the story from the people involved to the people watching it and more.

my final story

video idea

the idea of the video was to show the history and origin of Liverpool and how it all started. it showed many things from our past and showed who we was back in the day and what our culture was like. from the families that watch it at home to the football stars that run up and down the pitch for 90 minutes.

video post production

these 4 photos show some of the different things I done within my post production time.

upload to YouTube

testing of BBC video and gathering feedback.

these where some different things from different people:

  • masau is a ghost
  • little explanation for the image in the background
  • the table seems really high
  • the table stays in the same place but you move
  • an iphone gets a notification halfway through
  • audio is only ever in the left ear
  • sound levels are good
  • the images of salah and gerrard disappear at different times
  • you say end it which should be cut out at the end of ted's interview
  • the ending is abrupt

paperwork(risk, recce, equipment list)

my equipment list involves mays things such as a shotgun mic/boom mic, a bunch of spot lights, a SD card, radio mics, a tripod, a Panasonic avc cam


over all I believe that my project went okay but I could do a lot better to describe what I'm doing and to be more confident about my project as now due to that my video is very short as there is not much of me speaking and talking about Liverpool as a whole due to my shyness. if this wasn't a issue then I would do a lot better because I would be able to do more things such as talking about my project and explaining their past and what the culture is like.


Friday, December 6, 2019

report on youtube documentary

YouTube documentary

the idea

I have created a documentary on storm Doris to show people what the weather is really capable off
I done this as its a very valuable lesson to many people as many people miss judge the weather due to how advance our building skills and other things are. now it will show to many people about the weather and different problems it causes.
in this I used a variety of different transitions and different effects.

my research I used this website show find out what incidents had actually happened
this shows all of the after maths of storm Dorris and how they effected us
this was a major piece in my work as it was the only death throughout storm Doris


 many people watched my video and many people commented different things
some prior things where to
  •  change my background through out the documentary
  • sort the audio out as it distorts creating a really bad noise 
  • shorten the video to give more attention to people
  • some cuts are jarring, perhaps some transition shots would help.
  • , try trimming some clips down to just the interviews, as there are some extra bits that are more for the editing.

my target audience.

my target audience was aimed at no-one in-particular. this is because it was educational for all ages. If I was to aim this at a certain aged it would be for people that are currently in school and learning.
this is because they can learn about the different case studies such as storm Doris to then learn how they work and what their features are.


video idea

the video idea was to create a video which explored the different views of how a storm could effect a family. we interviewed many different people and we explored how it effected different areas of the country and what chaos it had caused.

storyboard and script

(exterior, outside building, wide tracking to close.)

A: Since storm Doris there are still people being affected by it. From homeless to people that have lost members of families.
Today I’m going to go back and look at the reasons why it happened and what the storm caused. Now some people may think oh it was just a stronger gust of wind than usual, but it was more than that causing all sorts of problems throughout England and wales. Starting from fallen lorries to collapsing trees, storm Doris was one of the strongest winds we’ve had in the history of UK extreme weather.

(interviews beginning) (shot 2, interior, wide still studio)
So here today I have ………… with me and today we’re going to be talking about storm Doris.
What was your first experience of storm Doris?
So ………. How was you effected by the wrath of storm Doris?
Knowing these things did this effect other members of your family.
If you could go back and change your experience of the storm what would you do.
That what ………………………… and thank you for coming and joining us today on here
(interviews ending) (interior, mid shot to wide creative studios hallway.)
So, there you have it folks the brutal storm showed no mercy to anyone. And here’s how it begun, first it started with fallen trees, but we could deal with that a few trees had fallen we could remove them in no time. Then it was trees falling onto cars. We still weren’t too worried, yet the reporters still told us to stay inside. Then something unbelievable happened. A woman dead, death by debris, never have I ever seen someone more shocked in my life. From police to reporters to the presenters.
Now to many people this was a major warning to stay inside. Yet schools where still open people still went to work, and kids still went to the park to play. On the 23rd of February 2018 at approximately 1:20pm a bus driver had a disturbing crash. Whilst passengers where abroad the double decker but was tipped by the brute force of the raging winds storm Doris brought with it.
A lot of people asked how storm Doris was created, many people replied tail winds but in fact, storm Doris was caused by a weather bomb. this is when a gush of wind is formed under a Jetstream and causes the wind to rapidly increase in speed while the air pressure decreases causing giant gusts of winds meaning the wind has increased in speed and causes more problems.
My name is Ainslie Andrews and thank you for watching.

what I did in my post production time.

here is my post production. I spent most of my time editing and after that I went through to see if I could change anything such as my videos involving a greens screen to create better quality videos and have better sound so there's no feedback or any distortion.

research for my article

I used man different sources for my research. some are shown in the final production of my documentary. flashing between the different slides I showed many things like the tragedy of the woman who was killed by murder or the bus that was tipped by the raw force of the winds that storm Doris brought with it. some of the links to these things are


uploading it

when it came to uploading it I added in a whole new thumbnail and included a bold title to it.

paperwork for the recording(recce, risk assessment,equipment list 


overall I believe that I done good with my project but I believe that I could've made a shorter version as it drags a bit and I could've increased the audio quality to increase the performance of my video. but I believe that for my 2nd project I have set some really high standards for the rest of them meaning that from now on I will only improve on my work and my level of quality will either remain or get higher over the time in this course. 

Friday, November 22, 2019

documentary themes and examples

theme 1

A documentary that has a topic which is personal to the people involved, usually the presenter and interviewees.

theme 2

the documentary is about the filmmaker’s perspective on the world.( voice of god)

theme 3

Observational documentary is probably the most analyzed mode of all the types of documentaries.

theme 4

A participatory documentary is an inclusive and collaborative process that engages communities in designing and carrying out the collection and dissemination of their own story.

theme 5

presenter to help the audience understand

theme 6

The performative documentary evokes the mood or atmosphere traditionally found in fiction films.

Friday, November 8, 2019

interview techniques


ND filter-neutral density
letting less light in.

ch 1 ch2
int - ch 1
-one legged-

set tc- time code

1 frame = 2 fields
1920x1080 pixels
25fps 50 fields a second
progressive interlaced 2x fields same time
1080p 50 hz
were you involved in Storm Doris?
what, now, why, who, when, where.

when interviewing
don't look at the camera.
say hello to each other.
ask if the camera is rolling wait for the reply "speed"
tell me your name and spell it.
whats your job title
answer put with the question.
repeat first question
power of silence.